Museo di Palazzo Palazzo Mocenigo

Mocenigo Palace


The Mocenigo Family

For centuries, the Palazzo Mocenigo at San Stae (the name is a Venetian dialect version of Sant’Eustachio) was home to the Mocenigo family, one of the most important amongst the Venetian nobility.

According to some, the family originally came from Lombardy, according to others from Aquileia; but whatever the truth is, the Mocenigo would provide Venice with a total of 7 doges:

  • Tommaso (1414-23)
  • Pietro (1474-76)
  • Giovanni (1478-85)
  • Alvise I (1570-77; doge at the time of the victorious Battle of Lepanto)
  • Alvise II (1700-1709)
  • Alvise III (1722-32)
  • Alvise IV (1763-78)

The family also supplied the State with numerous procuratori (administrators), ambassadors, sea and land captains, clergymen, and men of letters.

The main branch of the family used to live in the palace at San Samuele, whilst the branch descended from Nicolò Mocenigo, brother of Doge Alvise I, settled in the San Stae palace at the beginning of the 17th century.