Museo di Palazzo Palazzo Mocenigo

Past exhibitions


May 14, 2024

A selection of stage costumes starring in the major 1982 RAI production that saw international participation, including China itself. On show at the Palazzo Mocenigo Museum are about thirty costumes, accompanied by several original sketches, the result of years of study and preparation for the film, and set photos. […]

EXHIBITION Alfabeto Marco Polo, Venezia Istanbul

May 7, 2024

The international cultural project Marco Polo Alphabet, Venice Istanbul marks the 700th anniversary of the death of the Venetian Marco Polo. The initiative between Italy and Turkey, conceived by the Associazione Venezia: Pesce di Pace seeks to awaken a love of history and curiosity while exchanging and developing educational content between young people from different countries and cultures. […]


January 11, 2024

Silk is the protagonist at Museo di Palazzo Mocenigo with the exhibition of some twenty garments, original creations, textiles and faithful replicas of ancient garments from the Suzhou Silk Museum, a centre of primary importance for the research, preservation and protection of the millenary weaving technique that made the silk of the Jiangnan region famous. […]

Exhibition | MATTHIAS SCHALLER. Tessuto urbano

March 24, 2023

The Musei Civici di Venezia presents at the Museum Palazzo Mocenigo – White Room an installation by Matthias Schaller consisting of two independent photographic series “Tessuto Urbano” (2022) and “Lagunenwalzer” (2012)… […]

FIBER ART. Anna Moro-Lin donation

February 2, 2023

An opportunity to explore an important branch of fiber art, and to follow its development though the characteristic traits of the work of this artist from the Lido, a member of an ancient Venetian family that has always promoted culture and its dissemination […]

Exhibition Es-senze

April 21, 2022

Devoted to Palazzo Mocenigo’s vocation for and interest in perfume, Es-senze, exhibition part of MUVE Contemporaneo programme, presents a group of artists who have risen to prominence since the start of the new millennium. […]

Alberta Ferretti pays homage to Venice

December 21, 2021

A selection of eight unique pieces from the “A tribute to Venice” collection enriches the “Portego” of Palazzo Mocenigo […]

SEABEAD FLOWERS. Benedetta Gaggia at Palazzo Mocenigo

September 4, 2021

For the 2021 Glass Week, the rooms of Palazzo Mocenigo will present an exhibition curated by Cristina Beltrami: a selection of about forty unique pieces, expressly made by Benedetta Gaggia, will be shown in the extraordinary 17th century portego of Palazzo Mocenigo. […]

CARNET DE VOYAGE. Illustrated perfume

May 9, 2019

An illustrated olfactory journey in a dimension suspended between fantasy and reality. From the drawings by Guido Fuga, a great friend and collaborator of Hugo Pratt, the perfumed tales of Joan Giacomin, and an interactive and multi-sensorial exhibition of spices and mysterious raw materials. […]

LEONARDO. Genius and Beauty

May 3, 2019

A little-known aspect of Leonardo da Vinci will come to light in this exhibition organised to mark the fifth centenary of his death: his work as a cosmetologist and perfumer, dedicated to the creation of fragrances and cosmetics. […]


October 6, 2018

This first public presentation of the Magnani Collection recounts the story of perfume through its extraordinary bottles, which have always been linked to human history. […]

Venice during the age of Tintoretto.

September 6, 2018

On the occasion of the five-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Jacopo Tintoretto, and coinciding with the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia major exhibition dedicated to this extraordinary artist, to whom we owe one of the most important chapters in the history of Italian painting, Museo di Palazzo Mocenigo is proposing a plunge into the sixteenth-century universe of Venice, and more besides. […]

LIFE IN RED AND WHITE. Brigitte Bouquin-Sellés

May 5, 2018

French artist Brigitte Selles (Angers, 1959) is very skilled in weaving and knotting felt, her chosen material, but she does it in her own way. […]

VENICE AND THE EAST. The Fondazione di Venezia collection

January 20, 2018

Venice and the East…a splendid selection of Eastern fabrics and garments, the property of the Fondazione di Venezia and specifically part of the collections at Palazzo Mocenigo’s Centre for the History of Textiles and Costume […]


January 20, 2018

The focus on relations between Venice and the  East, which has led to the restructuring of the museum itinerary on the first floor of Palazzo Mocenigo, is consolidated in the White Room on the ground floor, dedicated to temporary exhibitions, by an interesting insight into the symbolism and decoration of Japanese fabrics […]

TRANSFORMATION. Six Swedish Artists

May 13, 2017

The goldsmith’s art and the 1990s, reinterpreted through the creations of six Swedish artists who have each explored their own exclusive paths, forms the subject of this exhibition at the White Room on the ground floor of Palazzo Mocenigo. […]


April 28, 2017

The exhibition of the extraordinary glass collection of the Storp family, who in 1911 founded Drom Fragrances in Munich, further explores a theme already present in the permanent exhibition at the Museo di Palazzo Mocenigo. […]

New dialogues between Glass and Perfume

May 12, 2016

This new exhibition project narrates the centuries-old relationship between perfume and the artistic excellence of Murano Glass. Find out more now! […]

The Alchemy of Color

December 11, 2015

The display presents primary materials and products of the whole dyeing process. Find out more […]

THE RAPE OF VENICE. Andrea Morucchio | Installation

June 6, 2015

At Palazzo Mocenigo form June 6th, it will take place “The rape of Venice”, strong headline that Andrea Morucchio wanted to give to his multimedia and multisensory installation. Without any discounts Morucchio work is about all the critical issues connected to the theme of the safeguarding of Venice. Check it out […]

MINIARTEXTIL. Gea | Exhibition

June 5, 2015

The finest international artistic production in the field of Textile Art returns this year to Palazzo Mocenigo. In collaboration with the Associazione Arte&Arte of Como, Palazzo Mocenigo hosts “Miniartextil”, a show unique in Europe – composed of 54 “mini-textiles” made by revolutionised schema and materials, selected by a commission chaired by Luciano Caramel. […]

LITTLE BIG THINGS. Masterpieces from Storp Collection

September 6, 2014

A significant selection of flasks and containers for perfumes from the Drom Collection, now forms the core of a new section in the refurbished museum of Palazzo Mocenigo dedicated to the history of perfume and fragrances, realised in collaboration with MAVIVE. […]

FANS. Hotel Metropole Collection

June 7, 2014

The passion for antiques and collecting of the Beggiato family, owners of the Hotel Metropole in Venice, and the precious association with the Museum of Palazzo Mocenigo represent the starting point for a fascinating exhibition of antique fans from the Hotel Metropole’s private collection […]


From January 11 to February 14, 2014

Palazzo Mocenigo opens the new year with an exhibition of contemporary textile art. The 23° edition of Miniartextil, organized by Arte & Arte Como and curated by prof. Luciano Caramel, is dedicated to “eros” […]

TRAME DI MODA. Women and style at the Venice Film Festival

From September 1, 2012 to January 6, 2013

Thanks to a visually dazzling display, exceptional garments and documents, the exhibition makes it possible to click into a truly unique productive and cultural sector […]

2012 MINIARTEXTIL. Energheia

From June 26 to August 30, 2012

Through almost subliminal stimuli, the weave and warp meet to describe the creative universe underlying the unstoppable evolution of the artistic syntax of this extraordinary, ancient medium […]


From May 12 to June 24, 2012

Works that express a happy combination of art and design on display at the Palazzo Mocenigo Museum in a lively contrast with the world of fashion […]


From March 17 to May 6, 2012

Four contemporary artists – Franco Costalonga, Nadia Costantini, Gea D’Este, and Claudia Steiner – will be the protagonists of the Tessuto non tessuto exhibition […]


From January 14 to March 13, 2012

With Impermanenze, Teodolinda Caorlin exhibits at Palazzo Mocenigo a comprehensive retrospective on her long and critical path in the Fiber Art […]

ALEXANDRE VASSILIEV. ELEGANCE IN EXILE. Between fashion and costume, the Diaghilev Era.

From October 17, 2011 to May 31, 2012

The exhibition aims to tell the story of the cultural atmosphere and ambience of the Russian intelligentsia and the international prestige of Diaghilev’s famous Ballets Russes […]

RUTH ADLER SCHNEE. A passion for color.

From June 4 to August 28, 2011

In conjunction with the 54th Biennale of Art in Venice, this is an exhibition of modern textile s designed by German-American designer Ruth Adler Schnee […]

2011 MINIARTEXTIL. A textile experience.

From June 4 to August 28, 2011

In conjunction with the 54th Biennale of Art, the Venice Civic Museums Foundation will host two modern textile shows […]

2010 MINIARTEXTIL...e lucean le stelle

From June 19 to August 29, 2010

…E lucean le stelle…, the famous novel based on Puccini’s “Tosca”, is the theme the artists from all over the world have worked on to mark the celebrations of the International Year of Astronomy […]


From May 14 to June 10, 2010

Clothes as self-portraits. This is what IDENTIKIT aims to show in this group work created by the ARCI VERDEAQUA art group based on a project by the Venetian artist Anna Moro-Lin […]

2009 MINIARTEXTIL. Matrix Natura

From June 3 to August 31, 2009

Matrix Natura is the theme which artists from all over the world have been asked to tackle. The exhibition brings together 54 minitextiles by artists from over 51 nations […]


From October 27 to November 29, 2008

An exhibition of costumes by Danilo Donati for the films of Pier Paolo Pasolini curated by the Sartoria Teatrale Farani di Piccolo Luigino in collaboration with the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia […]

MARISA BRONZINI. Textile 1939-2007.

From March 29 to June 1, 2008

Marisa Bronzini (1920-2007) undisputed maestro and delicate weaver, is one of the leading exponent of the Contemporary Textile Art […]


From June 7 to September 2, 2007

Again the Fiber Art at Palazzo Mocenigo, with a new international exhibition of contemporary art based on the use of textiles, yarns and fibres; installations by Akio Hamatani, Naomi Nakashima and Kiyonori Shimada […]


From October 28, 2006 to January 7, 2007

TEXTILE ART A VENEZIA is an international exhibition of contemporary art based on the use of textiles, yarns and fibres […]

MAURIZIO PELLEGRIN. Isole: the everyday cult, symbolism and representation.

From September 3 to November 6, 2005

The project consists of installations, film, sculpture and photography, which together form one large single work: “Isole” by Maurizio Pellegrin […]